05/10/2020 We invite you to a winter camp 2021 in Croatia!
12/01/2020 This was one of the best IBK winter camps!
07/03/2020 Registration for summer camps in Romania and Poland is underway!
05/05/2020 Family of IBK informed with great sadness about the death of Sensei Basharat Ali 4. dan from Pakistan. Sensei was our country representative. It was heart attack on 01/05/2020.
Big Osu! Rest in peace...
02/08/2020 We regret to inform you that due to the growing number of coronavirus infections in many countries, we were forced to cancel the international camp. Stay healthy. We hope to see you soon. OSU!
27/06/2020 Registration for the summer camp in Poland is still underway! We invite you to participate! Soon information who confirmed arrival!
06/05/2020 48 countries together!
21/04/2020 47 countries together!
20/04/2020 46 countries together!
07/03/2020 45 countries together!
14/02/2020 French family of IBK informed with great sadness about the death of Shihan Patrick Brulois 5. dan. Rest in peace...
14/02/2020 44 countries together!
12/01/2020 42 countries together!
14/10/2019 38 countries together!
25/09/2019 35 countries together!
07/08/2019 30 countries together!
20/06/2019 In the summer camp the following teams will take part: Hungary, Croatia, Sweden,Poland, France and Germany.
International dan exam - 9.08.2019
20/06/2019 27 countries together!
12/06/2019 26 countries together!
19/05/2019 Last days of camp registration!
24/04/2019 20 countries together!
24/04/2019 New events in Russia and France!
10/04/2019 See our upcoming events!
23/03/2019 We invite you to a summer camp!
23/03/2019 Welcome to the IBK community website!
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